off the theater.
Gone Girl, the
film, as the same as the book, is pure entertainment.
Pretty brilliant
adaptation by Gillian Flynn. Amazing…oh just saying amazing gave me the
chills…Solid, consistent and pretty neat storyline throughout. It just keeps
building and building and getting better and better. The film, as a whole, just
keeps getting better and better and better. Imagine a line just going up and up
and up. As I said, pure entertainment. Speaking as a reader of the book, going
through the storyline alone, it feels so well written, there are no holes.
Every slice of history in the book she had to take is well done, it’s proper
and tidy, because you don’t miss it at all, I don’t feel like the story needs
it. From Desi’s mother and Nick’s dad, to other characters like the Housewives,
and a younger journalist, to the way a few clues were cut out for the film, it
all comes clean in the big screen because it’s in the details, everything
matters. Like for instance, Amy’s parents. Starting with the casting, if you
don’t feel creepy by those two then I don’t really understand you. If you don’t
get the little detail in the way they refer to their daughter as the Amazing
Amy, and the name of the site as “find amazing amy dot com”, like taking a
chance to promote their own franchise while their daughter is missing… And the
way she turns this story into a great satire of today’s society issues.
Just a quick
parenthesis - I couldn’t stop talking about the film with my friend/film
partner. We’ve both read the book, and now talking about detail by detail is so
gratifying. These are the most gratifying films you know? Just for the cheer of
the film experience is pretty much everything.

The beginning of
the film – I wanted to talk about how David Fincher and Gillian Flynn make Amy
Dunne so impenetrable. Like in the book, it starts with the questions – What are
you thinking? How are you feeling? Who are you? Then Amy Dunne is presented to
us through her voice over, basically. They meet for the first time, there’s the
game talk that the first date requires…You see, coming from someone who read
the book, it feels even greater, the idea of this ideal Amy. I don’t wanna use
the word superficial, because it’s nothing to do with that, but rather someone
you can’t really reach and touch, something universal and at the same time
something on the surface. And that’s another well done thing in the storyline.
Who are you Amy? As
you reach the middle of the film, your head starts to explode progressively.
There are great
mother fucking brilliant sequences in this film, as I said in the beginning,
they just keep getting better and better. For example – The Cool Girl sequence.
Just wow! And the “Comeback”. I was cracking up in my seat, curled up and
falling off my seat all at once.
Talking about the
film adaptation – BEST MARKETING SHIT. If there was one thing I had in my mind
from early on was the idea that the end of the film would be different from the
book. Or something like that there would be some other different act. This was
months ago. If this was on purpose or not, great fucking marketing. There is no
such thing as bad publicity huh, you smart asses?!? I liked that too.
TWIN, is the “Coolest” character from the film. It will probably be an audience
favorite. (IT IS MY FAVORITE). And a great performance, now I would love to see
her getting nominations for a supporting role; that would be brilliant and
deserved. She’s the one “responsible” for the humanity source in the story. She’s
probably THE ONE we relate to the most. It’s the best. Her expressions, her
Talk about TWINS –
Their storyline is so believably sweet and authentic and true. Talking from a
twin point – Being a twin to some other twin, the connectivity is something
utterly natural, not forced in any way; the way we connect, the way we relate
to each other, is something that just happens and you don’t really need to say
anything to understand what the other wants to say or what he’s thinking; Go
has no choice but help his brother, she has no choice but believe in him, she
has no choice but being by his side. She has no choice. It just is. It’s about
that irreversible and natural way of connecting. But maybe it is also the way
people who are intimate with other people connect, but I don’t really know.
Interesting curiosity
(talking from a Gay stand point) – Go is also pretty gay. What’s so interesting
here, is that, not only she brings humanity, she is at the same time quite a reserved
person, you don’t get to get intimate with her and yet you understand her. Right
at that moment, her life is her brother’s life. You see she lives by herself
and if she has someone, you don’t really know. If she has boyfriends or
girlfriends, you don’t really know. In the story, she seems to be the
unfuckable, and yet, at to my gay stand point, she’s so damn fuckable.

THE CAST. It’s like
every one of these people fit their roles to perfection. Rosamund Pike is as I
was predicting, fiercely and obnoxiously hunting and chiling. Ben Affleck is
Nick Dunne, the dude basically. Go, the other twin, is probably you favorite
character throughout this madness. Rhonda is thoughtful and feels like a real
cop and not one from Law and Order, Amy’s parents are freaking distant and
scary. And Tanner, the lawyer, another character people will love.
thinking how wonderfully kind and lovely and innocent she was playing Jane in
Pride and Prejudice. It really is a career turn. (It’s one of those cases where
she is totally getting an Oscar nomination, totally not winning it.)
AMY, or Amazing
Amy, represents a lot of things. She represents the way human beings communicate,
represents the way human beings are forced and not forced by society norms, the
way we sometimes perceive each other, the way we don’t really know each other,
the way we understand and not understand and know what we really want, how we
The word Amazing
is going to hurt for a while.
Gone Girl is
Gone Girl is the
reason why I live for films.
Gone Girl is a lot
of things you can dig into…an endless debate.
It’s very likely
that I’ll be in the theater again tomorrow.