Saturday, December 18, 2010


The basic essence to what human kind is differenced by. It's what makes us in the shadow or in the center of a room. It's what makes us unique. I have a name to this affirmation, my fatal crush, Freja Beha Erichsen. 
She's a danish model known for her androgynous look and for me the outstanding look (altough I adore her androgyny)! And like in cinema, where new actors constantly arrive and replace others, it's worse between models and Freja Beha is on top of her popularity between photographers, designers and editors and she's been working since 2005.

Suck it, dude.
And why is a model on a blog about cinema? Hum, because she is the most direct example on how is it possible to be someone 'original' and yet respected, working in a world where you are replaced by someone new and fresh in the twinkling of an eye.

"Yeah, every boy and girl can't resist...what can i do?"
Anyways, you'll have time to meet her...she came to stay, whether you like or not! Deal with it.


PS: Meet some of Freja Beha's tats.

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