Monday, August 26, 2013

Carry the One

They sat on old wooden office chairs across a scarred metal table from her. It was not a situation conducive to relaxed conversation. The family locked into a somber mood for these visits. For her part, Olivia never seemed particularly happy to see them, only relieved that they had come, that she hadn’t been forsaken. Once they were there, she could relax and give them desultory attention during their visit.
“A decent night’s sleep is hard to come by in here,” she said “Half these women are crazy in addition to being criminals. They need to tell everybody about whatever’s pissing them off. Even if you can get to sleep in the middle of all the crap that goes on in here, you only have until three or four until the maniacs start babbling and the depressives start moaning. And well, by four, it’s all over for me anyway because I have to go down and start mixing up the egg powder. Breakfast is at five. Meals in here are basically just another punishment thing.”  
This is a transcript from Carol Anshaw’s novel Carry the One I’m currently reading. This is from when the character of Olivia is in prison. Which reminded me a little of Orange is the New Black, obviously.

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