Sunday, October 23, 2011

Coming and Going

Directed by Edoardo Ponti and Written by Dewayne Darian Jones and Edoardo Ponti.

This film – what a joy! What a disgrace!
You know when you have this moment in a film when you have this laugh but it’s not necessarily something funny happening or a joke but just some detail for secondary reasons that makes you laugh? Coming and Going had that in me.
This is a romantic comedy where the guy is a successful doctor who lacks a great amount of confidence when it comes to women and the girl is an attractive young woman confident in a life without compromise but in night stands with boys, nothing more than that. They meet on accidental circumstances, literally. He’s temporarily in a wheelchair and she almost runs over him.

I was watching this and I was thinking. “I couldn’t write something like this could I?” I would never write something like this, beyond being too dramatic, I just couldn’t write this shallow and dumb people. I had a few laughs but I’m so severe when it comes to this stories. I know they’re suppose to be loose and light but fuck me…common, I believe not all romantic comedies suck. They can be good too!
I like fiction (or fantasy). It’s what keeps me going and it’s what keeps me questioning about this great duality between fiction and reality (it’s my blog tagline). But I like fiction like “Win Win” and I don’t like fiction, bad fiction, like “Coming and Going”. With “Win Win” I laughed effortlessly, I laughed with these characters’ genuine behavior and “Win Win” is mainly a drama. With “Coming and Going” I laughed but these characters did really stupid things and behaved not like a human being usually does, that’s a bad fiction for me.

 This post should be called – Being picky with Sasha Alexander’s husband!

This is how picky I can be with films; romantic comedies become an easy target.
Is not enough that I got stuck with a particular scene from the beginning of the film (Sasha Alexander shirtless moment…) 

There’s this awful effect of the planet; 

I counted two guys (actors) looking at the camera, what the fuck?? Were you really that distracted, Ponti? Common!

Don't look at me, dude...

Then the romantic dinner; with Sasha’s beautiful face and you have a fucking wine bottle in the middle of the screen? It’s freaking there…it’s ridiculous. You forgot to thought how that looked in a big screen…it gets pretty visible (and I didn't watch it in theaters). 

Then there were these angles, because the protagonist is often in a wheelchair… 

Alex's ass...acting role.

For a moment I thought I was watching Parks and Recreation! 
No, this is really a screencap from the film!

There is this scene of time lapse really unfortunate, it was like I was watching a lame version of a tv show!


I guess you were too loose on the set Edoardo Ponti!

And I was so irritated with the protagonist, I was really disturbed and believe me, I really like him. I think Rhys Darby is hilarious. He was awesome in “The Boat that Rocked”, but I just couldn’t stand him! I wonder why…Sasha Alexander was so loose in this role, what a delight. 
Now here it goes a typical fans geek response – you know what? It was worth it. Damn worth it. I say two words – Sasha Alexander. See? What an ordinary person I can be, sometimes. And this was a typical review of a fan.

Oh and Edoardo Ponti had a funny cameo!

On a conscious note – I know how hard, how difficult, how frustrating nerve wrecking and impossible it is to create a film and I know that I’m only doing the easiest part that is criticizing (ok, I feel a little guilty). So I just want to say I have always a certain consideration…I know this film was hard to make... The guys from “Once” had less many and still managed to do something beyond words. So at the end of the day, as long as you’re doing it with passion!

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